Changes on the Supervisory Board of FMS Wertmanagement
FMS Wertmanagement (FMS-WM) today announced that Rita Geyermann will step down from its Supervisory Board at her own request in August 2022 when her term of office expires. Ms Geyermann has been a member of the FMS-WM Supervisory Board from the very beginning. She has been instrumental in shaping FMS-WM in the past twelve years, particularly in her role as chair of the Supervisory Board’s Risk Committee, which took numerous important decisions in recent years.
Michaela Maria Eder von Grafenstein stepped down from the Supervisory Board of FMS-WM back on 31 December 2021. Ms Eder von Grafenstein was a member of the Supervisory Board for more than six years and, as a member of its Risk Committee, advised FMS-WM, providing a high level of expertise throughout the entire period.
“The Supervisory Board and the Executive Board would like to thank Ms Geyermann and Ms Eder von Grafenstein for their dedicated and successful work for FMS Wertmanagement. Our special thanks go to Ms Geyermann for her many years of prudent leadership of the Risk Committee, which is of great importance in an institution tasked with winding up assets," said Dr. Michael Kemmer, Chairman of the FMS-WM Supervisory Board, commenting on the departure of the two Supervisory Board members.
The Federal Agency for Financial Market Stabilisation (FMSA) has appointed Dr. Diana Kapsa to the Supervisory Board of FMS-WM effective immediately. Dr. Kapsa is Head of Credit Risk Methodology at UBS Group. “In Dr. Diana Kapsa, we were able to gain a recognised expert for our work on the Supervisory Board. We are very much looking forward to working with her,” said Dr. Michael Kemmer.
FMS-WM was founded in 2010 with the aim of winding up the risk positions and operations that were transferred to the company from the Hypo Real Estate Group (HRE Group) effective 1 October 2010. FMS-WM is supervised by the Federal Agency for Financial Market Stabilisation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Frank Hessel, Press Spokesman, at +49 (0)89-9547627 647 or by email at