Information about the processing of the tenders
In accordance with EU guidelines and specifications of the FMS-WM Group's procurement office, tenders can be processed electronically via the federal government's eProcurement platform.
Companies may only submit their offers electronically via the eVergabe platform.
To do so, companies have to register once under https://www.evergabe-online.de.
Companies will get access to an overview of all electronic tenders of FMS-WM group under:
Detailed instructions for the electronic procurement process can also be found on the federal eVergabe platform.
Advantages of electronic tendering for all parties are as follows:
- Full transparency and greater legal certainty through electronic documentation of the whole procurement process
- Simplified access to tenders, faster processing and submission of tender offers
- Less time and cost for administration and postal delivery of tender documents
Quick Contact
FMS Wertmanagement AöR
Prinzregentenstrasse 56
D-80538 München
Tel: +49 (0) 89 / 9547627 - 0
85716 Unterschleissheim